Global Ranking Solution

Lead Generation:

The Global Ranking Solution provides the best lead generation services. It is specialized in offering manually generated leads. This is why all the leads are 100% BANT qualified (Budget Authority, Need, and Time Frame).
We Global Ranking Solution works on a classic cold calling method with contemporary techniques. Global Ranking Solution Never Believes in Prewritten script. Team Global Ranking Solution always creates a new script for every prospect. In short, we use a customized approach.

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The Process:


First, we draft an outline document of what exactly our clients need, on the basis of their requirements our highly skilled and experienced team targets the Right Party Contacts (RPC). We create a buyer persona and start prospecting, Once the prospecting is done we begin to explore the clients.

Cold Calling:

Cold Calling connects you directly to the client. This is why it is the quickest way to get results. No matter how your prospect is, with the cold calling you see the instant result whether it is positive or negative. You get the result at the end of the call. Though it requires maximum effort compared to other lead generation methods, it is very cost-effective and starts giving the result from the very first day.

Targeted Email Marketing:

Email Marketing is the best and the quickest way to reach the RPC. It is the least time-consuming process and gives the maximum (300%) ROI.
The best thing is that the recipient reads and replies at his best suitable time. We email after thorough research about the company as well as the employees. Probably this is the reason behind our high response rate